Creating Solutions (JAVA)- Table of Contents






































































































Main Directory / Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
    1. Introduction to This Reference
    2. Introduction to Program Development Tools
    3. Installing the Java Tools
    4. Installing Eclipse
    5. Setting Up Eclipse
    6. Program Organization in Java
  2. Creating a Program
    1. The concept of Linear Progression, or Sequence
    2. Sequences in a Program
    3. Turning a Sequence into a Program
    4. Making Programs Easier - Making a Square
    5. Making Programs Easier - Making a Triangle
    6. Making Programs (Even More) Easier
    7. Choosing the Right Code
  3. The Four Step Programming Process
    1. Introduction to Structured Programming
    2. Overview of the Four Step Programming Process
    3. Step One
    4. Step Two
    5. Step Three
    6. Step Four
  4. Program Input and Output (I/O)
    1. The Data Stream Concept
    2. Standard I/O in Java
    3. Formatted Command-Line I/O
  5. Data Abstraction
    1. Using Data in a Program
    2. Keywords in Java
    3. Fundamental Data Types
    4. Data Assignment
    5. Using Java Constants
  6. Mathematical Operations
    1. Integers - Addition and Subtraction
    2. Integers - Multiplication and Division
    3. Integers - Modulo Arithmetic
    4. Floating Point Arithmetic
    5. Mathematics with Characters
    6. Mathematics with Strings (kind of)
    7. Order of Operations (Precedence)
    8. Mixed-Mode Mathematics
    9. Combining Mathematics and Assignment
    10. Using External Methods
  7. Program Decision Making
    1. Computer Logic and Decision Making
    2. Conditional Operators and Operations
    3. Boolean Combinations and Logical Operators
    4. Applications of the Rules - Sports
    5. Applications of the Rules - Leap Year
    6. Truth Tables
    7. Simple Branching
    8. Boolean Methods
    9. Selecting from Multiple Options - if
    10. Nesting if Statements
    11. Short Circuit Analysis
    12. Selecting from Multiple Options - switch
    13. Forcing a Decision, if statement
    14. Forcing a Decision, switch statement
  8. Functional Abstraction - Subroutines
    1. The Concept of Subroutines
    2. Creating a Method
    3. Methods as Factories
    4. Using Methods in Programs
    5. Methods - Calling and Being Called
    6. Programming by Contract - Pre Conditions
    7. Programming by Contract - Post Conditions
    8. Programming by Contract - Errors and Exceptions
    9. The main Method
  9. The Six Step Programming Process
    1. (Re)Introduction
    2. Step One, Reviewed
    3. Step Two, Reviewed
    4. Step Three - Locating, Identifying, and Designing Methods
    5. Step Four - Implementing the main Method
    6. Step Five - Designing the Supporting Method
    7. Step Six - Implementing the SupportingMethod
  10. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
    1. OOP - The Concept
    2. OOP as Tool Making
    3. Static Operations vs Standard Classes
    4. Scope Considerations with Classes
    5. From the Beginning - Creating a Class
    6. Java Class Implementation
    7. Java Class Inheritance
  11. Iteration
    1. The Concept of Looping, or Iteration
    2. Simple Iteration
    3. Repeating a Test
    4. Pre-Test vs Post-Test Loops
    5. Reflecting on Loops
    6. The Java while Loop
    7. The Java for Loop
    8. The Java do..while Loop
    9. Nesting Loops
    10. Good Practice - Using Sentinels and Flags
    11. Bad Practice - Using break and continue
    12. Looping without Loops - Recursion
  12. Data Storage and Retrieval
    1. The File Stream Metaphor, Revisited
    2. Starting Out with Text Files
    3. Simple File Output
    4. File Output with Loops
    5. Simple File Input
    6. File Input with Priming and Sentinels
  13. Homogenous Data Storage using One Dimensional Arrays
    1. One Dimensional Array Concepts
    2. One Dimensional Array Usage
    3. Adding Data to a One Dimensional Array
    4. Removing Data from a One Dimensional Array
    5. Managing Arrays in Classes
    6. Array Operations - The Bubble Sort and Array References
    7. Array Operations - The Selection Sort
    8. Array Operations - The Insertion Sort, References, and Aliasing
    9. Array Operations - The Binary Search
    10. Arrays of Arrays: Two-Dimensional Arrays
  14. Heterogenous Data Storage and Advanced OOP
    1. Data Class Study
    2. Generic Class Study
  15. Advanced Sorting
    1. Merge Sort
    2. Quick Sort
    3. Radix Sort (future)
  16. Checking Every Possibility: Recursive Backtracking
    1. Introduction
    2. The Eight Queens Problem
    3. The Sudoku Problem (future)
    4. The Knapsack Problem (future)
  17. Linked Lists
    1. Introduction
    2. Adding Items To A Linked List
    3. Removing Items From A Linked List
    4. Other Kinds of Linked Lists
  18. Binary Search Trees
    1. Introduction
    2. Inserting Into A Binary Search Tree (BST)
    3. Removing From a Binary Search Tree (BST)
    4. How It Can Go Wrong
  19. Self Balancing Trees
    1. Considering Balanced Trees
    2. The Adelson-Velsky and Landis (AVL) Tree
    3. The Red Black Tree - Brief
    4. The Two Three Tree - Brief
  20. Heap Data Structures
    1. Introduction to Heaps
    2. The Heap Insertion Operation
    3. The Heap Removal Operation
  21. Hash Tables
    1. The Hashing Strategy
    2. Hash Tables That Probe
    3. Hash Tables With Other Data Structures
  22. Graphs
    1. Introduction To Graphs
    2. Traversing Graphs